We are a fully integrated online accounting firm and it’s business as usual for us during COVID-19. If you need help, we are here for you!
Zedtax AccountingZedtax AccountingZedtax Accounting
Calgary: (587) 333-3211 ︱ Edmonton: (587) 410-6060
Zedtax AccountingZedtax AccountingZedtax Accounting

ZedTax Accounting Professional Corporation is a fully integrated online CPA firm in Alberta View Pricing & Services Successfully serving
Canadian small businesses, professional consultants, subcontractors, and sole proprietors
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Fixed Prices & No Last-Minute Large Surprise Bills View Pricing & Services
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About Us

ZedTax Accounting is an online Chartered Professional Accountant firm delivering top notch accounting and tax services at market competitive rates. Our goal is to make sure that our clients are happy with our timely delivery of service and year-round consultation. We pride ourselves in providing quality bookkeeping, GST/HST filing, tax planning, financial statements and corporate tax filing services with convenience.
Online Services
Our fully integrated online business model enables us to take advantage of today’s best technology to work in tandem with your expectations and style.
Fixed Price Range
Our unique value based fixed yearly pricing models assists our clients in determining service delivery against cost outlay resulting in long-term sustainable peace of mind.
Advice by CPA
Tax advice, interpretations and guidance are crucial for you in this business i.e. a CPA will always be available for your assistance at pre-scheduled appointments.
What We Offer

Accounting & Tax Services

An extensive range of services are offered mostly valued by small businesses. Pick and choose your desired service(s) and we will be happy to assist you.

Flat Yearly Fee

Corporate Tax & GST/HST Return Packages:

No activity took place in the corporation during the fiscal year.
You haven’t had a chance to engage in any type of business activity during the corporation fiscal year and no revenues or expenses were incurred.
Guidance will be provided on what information to send over in order to file your taxes with the CRA.

Our all-inclusive services under the Zero Returns include:

  • Preparation and filing of NIL corporate tax return (T2 Return)
  • Preparation and filing of quarterly/annual GST/HST filing (Add on: $75)
  • Preparation and filing of annual income statement
  • Preparation and filing of T slips, T4/T5
  • Corporate tax planning – salary vs dividends for shareholders (Add $75)
  • Access to advice from a Chartered Professional Accountant as per client need
  • E-filing of all statutory filings with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)

Some activity took place in the corporation during the fiscal year where no revenues were made but a few expenses were incurred.
You haven’t had a chance to generate revenue for the corporation fiscal year even though some expenses were incurred with the intention of generating business income.

Guidance will be provided on what information to send over in order to file your taxes with the CRA.

Our all-inclusive services under the Basic Returns include:

  • Preparation and filing of basic corporate tax return (T2 Return)
  • Preparation and filing of quarterly/annual GST/HST filing (Add on: $75)
  • Preparation and filing of annual income statement
  • Preparation and filing of T slips, T4/T5 –  (Add on: $75/slip)
  • Corporate tax planning (salary vs dividends for shareholders)
  • Access to advice from a Chartered Professional Accountant as per client need
  • E-filing of all statutory filings with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)

The client has prepared/compiled the corporation’s book of accounts either by using an accounting software such as QuickBooks, Wave, XERO, Sage etc. or a basic Microsoft Excel sheet for the fiscal year-end and would like to file a corporate tax return (T2) and/or GST/HST return.

Broadly speaking, the client is responsible for maintaining the corporation’s revenues and expenses categorized in separate accounts such as supplies, material, advertising, meals, vehicle, travel, home office, lease payments, memberships, salaries & wages, subcontractor payments and etc.
Guidance will be provided on what information to send over in order to file your taxes with the CRA.

Our all-inclusive services under the Self-Bookkeeping Return include:

  • Preparation and filing of corporate tax return (T2 return)
  • Preparation and filing of quarterly/annual GST/HST filing (Add on: $75)
  • Preparation and filing of annual income statement
  • Preparation and filing of T slips, T4/T5 – (Add $75)
  • Corporate tax planning (salary vs dividends for shareholders)
  • Access to advice from a Chartered Professional Accountant as per client need
  • E-filing of all statutory filing with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
  • Email/message reminders when paperwork is due

The client has prepared/compiled the corporation’s book of accounts either by using accounting software such as QuickBooks, Wave, XERO, Sage, etc., or a basic Microsoft Excel sheet for the fiscal year-end and would like to file a corporate tax return (T2) and/or GST/HST return.

Broadly speaking, the client is responsible for maintaining the corporation’s revenues and expenses categorized in separate accounts such as supplies, material, advertising, meals, vehicle, travel, home office, lease payments, memberships, salaries & wages, subcontractor payments and etc.
Guidance will be provided on what information to send over in order to file your taxes with the CRA.

Our all-inclusive services under the Self-Bookkeeping Return include:

  • Preparation and filing of corporate tax return (T2 return)
  • Preparation and filing of quarterly/annual GST/HST filing (Add on: $75)
  • Preparation and filing of annual income statement
  • Preparation and filing of T slips, T4/T5 – (Add $75)
  • Corporate tax planning (salary vs dividends for shareholders)
  • Access to advice from a Chartered Professional Accountant as per client need
  • E-filing of all statutory filing with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
  • Email/message reminders when paperwork is due
Flat Yearly Fee

Bookkeeping , Corporate Tax & GST/HST
Return Packages:

You have worked for a few clients during the year and the corporation is owned by a couple (or less) of shareholders.
You have not kept a track of your revenues/expenses during the year and would like to obtain bookkeeping services in addition to corporate tax and GST/HST returns.
Typically, professions include IT consultants, medical professionals, legal practioners, construction workers, oil/gas workers, real estate agents etc.   

Price range is based on the number of transactions for the fiscal year.
Guidance will be provided on what information to send over in order to file your taxes with the CRA.

Our all-inclusive services under the Professional Consultant/Subcontractor Return include:

  • Full year of bookkeeping services and CRA correspondence.
  • Preparation and filing of corporate tax return (T2 return)
  • Preparation and filing of quarterly/annual GST/HST filing (if required)
  • Preparation and filing of annual income statement
  • Preparation and filing of T slips, T4/T5
  • Corporate tax planning (salary vs dividends for shareholders)
  • Access to advice from a Chartered Professional Accountant as per client need.
  • E-filing of all statutory filing with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
  • Multiple email/message reminders when paperwork is due.

Your business has gained traction, has many satisfied customers and geared towards growth trajectory. You have people on payroll and use subcontractors depending on business requirements. We will work with you to provide the support you need to help you manage your growth.

You have not kept a track of your revenues/expenses during the year and would like to obtain bookkeeping services in addition to corporate tax and GST/HST returns.

Typically, businesses include small restaurants, coffee shops, cafés, small to mid-sized factories, property maintenance, entertainment companies, gas stations etc.  

Guidance will be provided on what information to send over in order to file your taxes with the CRA. Price range is based on the number of transactions for the fiscal year.

Our all-inclusive services under the Small Business Return include:

  • Full year of bookkeeping services and CRA correspondence.
  • Preparation and filing of corporate tax return (T2 return)
  • Preparation and filing of quarterly/annual GST/HST filing 
  • Preparation and filing of annual income statement
  • Preparation and filing of T slips, T4/T5
  • Corporate tax planning (salary vs dividends for shareholders)
  • Access to advice from a Chartered Professional Accountant as per client need.
  • E-filing of all statutory filing with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
  • Multiple email/message reminders when paperwork is due.
Flat Yearly Fee

Personal Tax &
Sole Proprietor Return Packages

–    Includes unlimited T slips, RRSPs, medical receipts, and charitable donations.
–    Dependents, rental property, investments, and other deductions are charged extra.

    All sales/revenues and expenses are provided by the client for data entry.
–    Filing of GST/HST returns are charged extra.

Add on

Financial Statement Package

A Notice to Reader is required by prospective investors, shareholders, financial institutions and credit unions, predominantly when selling a company or applying for bank loans. A company may require cash flows during growth stage which in turn will require access to funds from financial institutions. Notice to Reader financial statements assist stakeholders know your firm’s financial position and credit worthiness.


Fixed Price Range Commitment

Fixed Price Range
No last-minute large surprise bills
Full disclosure & discussion

Are you behind on filing your taxes? We offer discounts on multi-year tax returns and provide quick turnaround to minimize interest and penalties levied by the CRA.
There are no separate fees for your year-end taxes and no separate fees for corporate tax guidance. There are no administration fees or fixed contract terms.


Check out our client reviews.

There is nothing but great words coming our way every time we provide quality and timely services.


Our Three-Pronged Approach

Business Simplification

Tax Planning, Interpretation & Guidance

Business Advice & Financial Insight

Our Stepwise Online Approach


About Zane

Zane is a Chartered Professional Accountant with over 12 years of experience in the accounting and tax industry. He completed his B.Mgt from the University of Lethbridge and a Master’s degree in Accounting from the University of Saskatchewan.

He started his accounting career with BDO Canada and subsequently worked with smaller accounting firms where he predominantly operated with small businesses in the preparation and filing of corporate taxes, GST/HST returns, personal taxes, tax planning, financial statements, and business advice.

Later he switched to industry and worked with Imperial Oil Calgary in the finance department for a year before he started his own online professional accounting firm by the name of ZedTax Accounting. Since then, there has been no looking back!


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We stand by our commitment to quote a fixed price range based on the services required. Upon inquiry, we shall contact you within the next few hours.

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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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